

CoW Protocol finds the lowest price for your trade across all exchanges and aggregators, such as Uniswap & 1inch — and protects you from MEV, unlike the others

IntegrationsCoW DAOTwitter

Product Update: Tracking TWAP Order Prices

Thu 28th Dec 2023
We have introduced a new feature that allows users to effortlessly track the filled price of their entire TWAP order from the receipt, eliminating the need for manual calculations.
Community article

CoW Swap patches frontend in response to Ledger hack

Mon 18th Dec 2023
CoW Swap has made changes to its frontend in response to the hack on Ledger. The Ledger connector has been removed to ensure the safety and security of users.

Programmatic Orders made 5x easier to create

Thu 14th Dec 2023
CoW Guild announces that Programmatic Orders can now be created 5 times easier. Anyone interested in learning more about it is encouraged to reach out if they are building something.

Whale Saves Over $3,000 Using TWAP Order on CoW Swap

Mon 11th Dec 2023
A whale on CoW Swap was able to save over $3,000 by using a 20-part TWAP order to swap around 80k CVX for WETH. Despite the large order size, the trader achieved a price impact of only 0.9%, compared to the expected 2%+. TWAP orders have accounted for over $43 million in CoW Swap volume since their launch a few months ago.
Community article

MEV Blocker temporary issue resolved

Thu 7th Dec 2023
The MEV Blocker experienced a temporary issue, but it has been resolved. The problem was quickly identified and fixed. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

2024 State of DeFi Survey

Thu 7th Dec 2023
CoW Guild is conducting a 2024 State of DeFi survey. Participants have a chance to win a prize.

MEV Transparency — A DappCon Talk by CoW Protocol’s Olga Fetisova

Mon 4th Dec 2023
Olga Fetisova of CoW Protocol gives a talk on Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) and its impact on the Ethereum ecosystem. MEV refers to the profit extracted by miners or other actors in the blockchain network who insert, remove, and re-order transactions. Fetisova discusses common types of MEV attacks, such as frontrunning, backrunning, and sandwich attacks. She also highlights the prevalence of MEV attacks on Uniswap. To combat MEV exploits, Fetisova introduces MEV Blocker, a specialized RPC endpoint that conceals transactions from public exposure, and CoW Swap, a dApp that protects trades from MEV exploitation through delegated trade execution, coincidence of wants (CoW), and uniform clearing prices.

Race for the Final $10,000 Prize in CoW Guild Treasure Hunt

Mon 4th Dec 2023
An adventurer unlocked the second treasure chest in the CoW Guild community, containing 1000 WXDAI + 1000 BZZ from @ethswarm. The race is on to claim the final $10,000 prize.

CoW Protocol: Fostering Healthy Competition

Thu 30th Nov 2023
CoW Protocol is a competition between solvers aiming to provide traders with better prices. Currently, there are 18 solvers employing diverse strategies to achieve this goal.

CoW Guild Thanksgiving Treasure Hunt

Mon 27th Nov 2023
CoW Guild is hosting a treasure hunt for Thanksgiving. The hint for finding the second missing treasure will be shared tomorrow on Discord. The second chest is worth $2000 and can be found at gno:0x1e35682D83f4351A64bE480F0c84735dfa2bD931. The third chest, worth $10,000, is at gno:0x5388B20D5433Acd1B3a249E69323F8F3Ff654c75. Happy hunting!