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Balancer's Yield-Bearing LST Technology Gains Popularity

Tue 30th Jan 2024
Balancer's Liquid Staked Tokens (LST) technology, which offers yield-bearing capabilities, has gained popularity among users. With a total value locked (TVL) of over $321 million and a swap volume of $8.59 billion, it is evident that many users are utilizing Balancer's LST technology.

Balancer Bi-Weekly Report Highlights

Tue 30th Jan 2024
Balancer provides highlights from its bi-weekly report on the performance of the @arbitrum STIP Program. TVL, volume, LST TVL, and fees were at all-time highs. Integrations with @AuraFinance, @PlutusDAO_io, @beefyfinance, and @NotionalFinance continue to expand. Core pool mechanics recycle liquidity fees back into the vote incentive markets. $ARB incentives are consistently directed towards high-performing pools. Balancer's ETH LST TVL is climbing on Balancer and Arbitrum. The USD 4POOL pool maintains a strong TVL and significant volume. @beefyfinance leverages integrations and plays a strong role in outperforming the market in LST pools.
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Recent Ecosystem Developments in Balancer Community

Thu 25th Jan 2024
The recent Governance Recap highlights the reimbursement of funds lost in a frontend attack, the replacement of mistakenly sent GGP incentives, and the approval of new gauges on Ethereum.
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Using Balancer Technology to Grow LST Liquidity

Thu 25th Jan 2024
The goal for 2024-01-24 is to grow the liquidity of LST. The solution proposed is to use Balancer Technology.

AlchemixFi sees growth in liquidity and swap fees with #ve8020

Thu 11th Jan 2024
Since implementing the #ve8020 governance structure, AlchemixFi has achieved over $10 million in LP liquidity, generated nearly $300k in swap fees, and increased incentive efficiencies. The ALCX/WETH pool has facilitated approximately $11.5M in swap volume, thanks to the power of Weighted Pool math and #ve8020.
Community article utilizes Balancer Tech to enable efficient Liquid Restaking Token growth

Mon 22nd Jan 2024 has been using Balancer's Yield-Bearing technology to facilitate the growth of Liquid Restaking Tokens, resulting in 100,000 $ETH staked.

Balancer: The Hub for Yield-Bearing Liquidity Growth

Mon 1st Jan 2024
Balancer has developed pools of interest-bearing tokens and the new $sFRAX LP on Balancer is attracting attention. Leveraging Balancer's Yield Bearing Stable Swap Technology, TVL has tripled on the sFRAX stable pool. Balancer's unique technology efficiently accounts for the internal sFRAX yield and optimizes trading efficiency. Balancer's Core Pools and incentive programs make it the optimal space for hosting and growing Yield-Bearing liquidity in DeFi. Balancer's Core Pools redirect yield as voting incentives, promoting organic growth. Balancer is also the only DEX offering stable swap logic tailored to LSTs and has inbuilt rate provider and core pool dynamics. Balancer's rise in the DeFi landscape is imminent.
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Linear Pool Hack Restitution Update

Mon 15th Jan 2024
An RFC has been posted to address the next steps for reimbursement following a 90 day research phase to analyze claims.

Governance Updates: Business Development Funding, Payments to DAO Multisig Signers, and Gauge Updates

Thu 11th Jan 2024
The latest governance updates include a proposal for business development funding and retroactive funding for Q4 2023. There is also a proposal to pay 500 BAL to each DAO multisig signer every 6 months. Additionally, there is a proposal to correct an error in BIP-515 that affected the gauges of the 2eur pools. Stay tuned for more developments on the Balancer ecosystem through the forum.
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New Year's Greeting from Balancer

Mon 1st Jan 2024
Balancer sends warm wishes for a prosperous and successful new year filled with innovation and collaboration. Looking forward to achieving new milestones together in 2024.
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