
Secured Finance


Secured Finance App Updated to v1.5.24

Mon 7th Oct 2024
Secured Finance has released version 1.5.24 of their app, incorporating updates from versions 1.5.23 and 1.5.22. The update addresses several bug fixes: - Stage 2 campaign end date correction - Accurate mark price display in markets dropdown - Proper handling of pre-opening markets in dropdown - Bond price reset when selecting a different market Users are encouraged to try the updated app and provide feedback. This release follows the recent v1.5.21 update, which fixed UI error messages for order unwinding and improved market routing in the Advanced Lending view. **The team continues to refine the app, enhancing user experience and functionality.**

Secured Finance Releases Q3 2024 Itayose and Auto-Rolling Report

Thu 3rd Oct 2024
Secured Finance has published its Q3 2024 Itayose and Auto-Rolling report, offering valuable insights into current market trends. The report highlights: - Rising interest rates across various blockchain networks - Significant liquidity shifts between different chains - Potential implications for DeFi strategies This comprehensive analysis provides users with crucial information to: - Reassess their current DeFi positions - Identify new opportunities in the evolving market landscape - Optimize their portfolio allocation based on the latest data For a detailed breakdown of the findings and expert recommendations, readers are encouraged to review the full report on Secured Finance's Medium blog.

Secured Finance: New Year Greetings and Future Plans

Thu 4th Jan 2024
Secured Finance, a protocol launched on the Ethereum mainnet, aims to provide new opportunities in the bond market. The team is dedicated to delivering advanced products this year and has important announcements coming soon.
Community article

Secured Finance Mainnet Launch & Community Update

Thu 21st Dec 2023
Secured Finance announces the opening of the Global Itayose and the upcoming launch of the Bond Market. They address concerns regarding false-positive warnings from MetaMask and high gas fees. The company emphasizes their commitment to security and transparency.