


Fuel Points Program FAQ Updated

Mon 23rd Sep 2024
Fuel has updated the FAQ for their Points Program to address recent community questions. Key updates include: - Clarifications on Phase 2 vs. Phase 1 - Important information on bridging assets and eligibility - Details on measures against gaming the system and Sybil attacks The updated FAQ aims to help users navigate the next steps with confidence. It provides information on timelines and participation guidelines. Note: More details about activity points, multipliers, and other aspects will be published when Mainnet launches. Users are encouraged to read the updated FAQ for comprehensive information on the Fuel Points Program.
Community article

Fuel Labs Launches Fuel Points Program

Mon 8th Jul 2024
Fuel Labs has introduced the Fuel Points Program, a new initiative designed to incentivize participation in the Fuel network as it progresses towards its mainnet launch. The program offers participants the opportunity to earn points and potentially unlock future rewards by contributing to the growth of the Fuel ecosystem. Fuel, developed as a purpose-built operating system for Ethereum rollups, aims to address critical challenges in blockchain scalability, focusing on execution and state growth. Early depositors are expected to benefit from higher point accumulation and possible additional incentives upon mainnet release. Interested parties can access the program through the Fuel Points Program portal, with further information available on the official blog post and landing page.
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GM's Biggest Year Yet in 2024

Thu 25th Jan 2024
In Q4 2023, GM released WebAuthn, Fuel Indexer, New Sway Standards, and more. They are promising a big year in 2024 with technical updates, contributors content, and events attendance.
Community article

Fuel Community's Achievements in 2023

Thu 4th Jan 2024
The Fuel community celebrated the New Year by expressing gratitude to their community and developers for their contributions in 2023. They highlighted various achievements including enhanced onboarding through a refined Documentation Portal, the growth of the Fuel ecosystem with the addition of new projects, upgrades to the Fuel Network, attendance at global events, availability of the Fuel Wallet on the Chrome Store, the launch of Fuel's Native Bridge for Ethereum interoperability, and the successful Sway Hackathon. The community is excited for the upcoming year and looks forward to more events and achievements in 2024.
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Registration for the $FUEL Airdrop

Sat 14th Oct 2023
Fuel is announcing the registration for their $FUEL Airdrop, where they will distribute 80,000,000 $FUEL tokens to participants. Check your eligibility to receive rewards.
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