The RPCh network, a metadata-private RPC provider operating on the HOPR network, has maintained a stable performance over the past two weeks. The network uptime was recorded at 99.92%, with an average request latency of 1.49 seconds.
Bi-weekly RPCh stats! For the past two weeks, the RPCh network has remained stable at 99.92%, and average request latency is 1.49 seconds!
RPCh Network Performance Update

The RPCh network, a metadata-private RPC provider operating on the HOPR network, has maintained a stable performance over the past two weeks. The network uptime was recorded at 99.92%, with an average request latency of 1.49 seconds.
Bi-weekly RPCh stats update

The RPCh network has maintained stability at 99.96% over the past two weeks with an average request latency of 1.34 seconds.
RPCh Network Stats
The RPCh network has maintained a stable uptime of 99.64% over the past two weeks, with an average request latency of 1.84 seconds.
HOPR Network Stats

The latest stats of the HOPR network show that there are 402 HOPR nodes online this month. Additionally, 839 HOPR have been deployed on Gnosis Chain, and the HOPR protocol has generated a total revenue of 729.978 $HOPR.
Bi-weekly RPCh stats

For the past two weeks, the RPCh network has remained stable at 96.93%, and the average request latency is 2.18 seconds.