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Your personal web3 digest

Check to see if you have exclusive access to mint the outposts NFT and create your own personal web3 newsletter


Digests provide an effective summary of your Web3. Keep up to date with the most important updates from your communities without wasting time sifting through hundreds of socials


Explorer Access NFT
Explorer Access NFT
Your unique NFT unlocks personalized Outposts Digests twice a week.
Stellar Scouts NFT
Stellar Scouts NFT
Being a member of the scouts is a rewarding position, with exclusive chats and community boosts.
Nebula Navigator NFT
Nebula Navigator NFT
Navigators have done a lot and get the very best treatment in outposts and beyond.




How does outposts work?
After we automatically build your profile we send you your personalised newsletter twice a week. The communities that are important to you have profiles on outposts that set how their news is included. We take updates from twitter/X, discord, mirror, medium, substack and more. Then we work out what is most news worthy, summarise it and build your unique newsletter.
Does outposts spy on me?
No, when you sign up we collect your email so we know where to send your newsletter. We also collect your wallet address, from this we collect public data available to anyone such as guild.xyz memberships, on chain transaction data, chains, contract usage, ERC20 tokens and NFTs you hold. So connect your most active wallet for the most relevant updates.
Why do I have to connect and sign with my wallet?
We need your wallet to find the communities most relevant to you and what you use web3 for. We require the signature simply to prove that you own the wallet so we can mint your access NFT and extra rewards for you without tx fees.
Do I have to pay for outposts?
No, outposts is completely free for readers of digests. Instead we have pro plans for communities that want more control and premium features to keep their community more up to date and informed.
Do I have to pay for the access NFT?
No, it's completely free. Polygon minting fees are paid by us. Same for referral NFTs, you can send them for free via the application.
Can I customise my digest?
Yes, we do our best to ensure you get the most relevant updates based on your wallet but we can't be perfect. After signing up you can manually follow and unfollow communities. If you want more customisation then let us know.
How often can I get my digest?
We update the web version every Tuesday and Friday and send it out at 9am your local time. You can always view the web version but bear in mind it is only updated twice a week. Contact us if you need more.

Your personal web3 digest

Check to see if you have exclusive access to mint the outposts NFT and create your own personal web3 newsletter